v1.7 [Nov 24, 2017]
• [Enhancement to Remote API] A simpler HTTP Remote API is now available for easier integrations. For more info: http://www.tuneblade.com/developer/simpleRemoteApi.html . The old API is fully compatible.
• [Bugfix] Compatibility with HA-Bridge (Bridge for Alexa) has been restored which was broken in 1.7.1 release. Thanks to all who reported and helped troubleshoot.
• [Tweaks for Avast Firewall] Avast Premier blocked some of TuneBlade traffic with it’s default settings. Internet Sharing option had to be enabled. This is no longer required as TuneBlade now uses different set of ports to accommodate Avast firewall. Thanks to all who reported and helped troubleshoot.
v1.5 [Mar 19, 2016]
- [New Feature] Option to hide any particular receiver from the list.
- [New Feature] Option to specify any additional delay (upto 500 ms) caused by a DSP or DAC in the receiver output audio chain causing the receiver to be out of sync from the rest of the receivers. TuneBlade will schedule the samples to play early by the configured milliseconds and causing the final output of the receiver to be in sync with other receivers.
- [New Feature] Option to save the AirPlay password.
- [Bug Fix] An issue causing some non-Apple/MFi receivers including Freebox, ShairPort Sync to not play audio occasionally from TuneBlade has been fixed.
- [Improvement] Some significant performance tweaks in the audio capture engine which enables TuneBlade to capture smoothly without glitches under heavy CPU usage.
- [Improvement] A new "Apply" button in the settings window.
- [Improvement] Naming restrictions on manually added devices has been removed. Any international character or symbols can be used.